Sites of Interest to Bookworms

Language Sites

Bookworm Reversed

Online dictionary offers definitions and will send you daily e-mails with a word of the day. Also displays links to thesaurus, encyclopedia, multilingual dictionaries, and more.
Language site links to word etymologies, grammar, puns, games, columns, and magazines.
Common Grammatical Errors link explains how to correct some common grammatical mistakes.
Grammar link presents a short tutorial on how to diagram a sentence.

Literary Sites

Educational English Resources links to a plethora of English language and literature sites. Link supplied by high school Honors English students.
Literary Resources links to literary works grouped by genre. Site created by a Rutgers literature professor.
Internet Public Library offers literature grouped by geography and date. Site created by Eastern members of the American Library Associaton.
American literature site includes books and periodicals, discussion questions, and word games.


Other Useful Links

Plattsmouth Public Library
Great Books Online
Rare Books
Used Books
Writing Essays
Fiction Database (fiction authors, books, and series)

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